If you’ve ever wanted to dive headfirst into the world of supplements, but have no idea where to even start — Naked Harvest should be your first stop. The Australian-founded wellness brand is a female-first, all natural supplements company that prides itself on not only the unique selection of natural ingredients that make up each and every one of its products, but also its complete transparency for the ingredients you’re consuming. That includes a range a vegan friendly hot chocolate mix to help you relax and unwind, as well as plant proteins and more. You’ve probably already familiar with its co-creator too, Georgie Stevenson, who also hosts popular podcast 'Rise And Conquer', which deep dives into all kinds of topics, from health and wellness to career and mindset. As part of HER BLACK BOOK’s Festival of Her, a shopping event to support female-founded businesses, Stevenson shares some insight into her business journey so far.

“I had been struggling with adult acne for a number of years and noticed that the supplements I was taking were a major contributing factor to my breakouts. After speaking to my naturopath about these concerns and asking for her help, she encouraged me to ensure I was only consuming supplements that were natural, vegan and gluten-free — this is when I realised how little there was on the market. After lengthy and in-depth research, my passion for natural supplements grew, and from this, Naked Harvest was born.”

“I would encourage others to go after their ‘dream’ career or business. Don’t focus on failure because your lessons will only help you grow and evolve as a person and a businesswoman.”

“My all time favourite book that helped me in starting Naked Harvest was You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero. I know the title is somewhat polarising, but the book itself is not really about making money but more so about mindset, and it was the catalyst for me believing in myself enough to start my business."

“The most significant ‘roadblock’ moment I’ve had in my career was actually when Naked Harvest started. I was already juggling having a social media platform, hosting a podcast, and running my online course, The Rise & Conquer Project, and so to add another business on top of that and build it from the ground up was challenging. It took perseverance and a lot of patience to find a way to balance everything, and I give a lot of credit to my amazing team at Naked Harvest HQ for working with me and helping me so I can continue to pour my heart into all of my projects.”

“I am most proud of the belief that I had within myself that I could do it. I had so many internal and external moments of doubt, and I am so glad I didn’t listen to the critics and we were able to bring this incredible brand to life.”

“When I was working in family law, my boss frequently used the saying; ‘Team work makes the dream work’. I never really understood the saying until we started Naked Harvest and built a team who believed in the brand and its vision as much as we did.”

“I have always believed that true success doesn’t come overnight. It takes consistency, hard work, and determination, and if you have those traits and focus on those habits you can succeed in whatever you put your mind to!”