With the same dream of bringing a sustainable, Australian skincare brand to life, Shannon Lacey and Simona Valev were an instant match made in heaven — with the beauty duo co-creating what is now one of the most beloved skincare brands nationally, RAWKANVAS. The brand — which specialises in innovative natural and vegan skincare, with formulas backed by science — has quickly garnered a cult following, not only for the range’s proven results, but their sleek look and feel too (perfect for any beauty #sheflie). As part of HER BLACK BOOK’s Festival of Her, a shopping event to support female-founded businesses, Lacey shares some insight into the pair’s business journey so far.

“We [co-founder Simona Valev] knew from the very first conversation! It was such a natural conversation and we were so aligned with our love of skincare, our vision and our concept to build a sustainable Australian brand.”

“RAWKANVAS stands for all things confidence, naturally. It’s this message that we’re both most proud of. To be a brand that celebrates what makes us all unique, to liberate skin and honestly feel great right down to the base. It feels refreshing and like a breath of fresh air to meander this message throughout the beauty industry. Let’s be the best we can be —you know?! That’s everything and more.”

“The biggest sacrifice we've made would have to be time. When we started RAWKANVAS, like so many before us, we had jobs. Juggling your day job with a ‘side hustle’ can be challenging and tiring — and it would have been so easy to give up! To this day our minds are constantly invested in our business, but it’s this giving of our time which really drives the dedication and perseverance to succeed."

“The ability to be agile.You never know what your business is going to face, or what you’re going to face personally.”