Sticking to New Year’s resolutions are hard. Trying to stick to them amidst a global pandemic is, arguably, even more challenging. If you, like many others, had planned to start your 2022 refreshed and revived after a less-than-peachy 2021, only to have those plans quickly foiled due to the national spike in COVID cases, don’t worry — you’re not alone.
Forget that the first few weeks of the year didn’t go as you’d expected, and start fresh. That’s exactly what some of the best in the fitness biz are doing, which is why we asked them to share the one resolution they plan to make for 2022.
“My resolution for this year will be ‘consistency with the basics’, which in essence is going to allow me to look after myself. It’s easy to get caught up in the fast pace of work, family, friends and what is happening in the world around us, however, after a series of surgeries last year, I had to really change my mindset about what I consider a ‘valuable’ workout. Accepting that something is better than nothing, and a 30min walk is just as good as a 45min sweat fest because it means I’m making time for myself. For me, it’s about consistency with doing something positive for my mind and body but releasing the expectation (my expectation) of what this should look like.”
“At the end of last year, I set myself a goal to run 5km a day for 365 days so that will be my resolution this year. Being a fitness studio owner, the last two years have been very tough on me mentally and physically with the restrictions and uncertainty around everything that we do. As a result my health really suffered, I put on weight and was really anxious in general. I set the 5km a day challenge for both my physical and mental health, because if I am not looking after myself, how can I expect to be my best for other people? I have lost 20kg so far and am feeling much more optimistic for the year ahead.”
“My goal is to help bring mindfulness and mental health practices to the mainstream. There is a lot of stigma around meditation and mindfulness as it is often seen as ‘woo-woo’, however, it is also something that many people do end up turning to when they hit rock bottom. My goal this year is to show people how it can be a healthy habit that they can add into their week to give them the tools they need to stay mentally healthy, but also productive. It is something I started doing originally 10 years ago to boost my productivity at work. I found it to be super helpful and was extremely grateful for it when everything around me started falling down. A relationship I was in for 10 years ended, a business venture I was part of had an unforeseen change and two family members were diagnosed with cancer. That is when I really needed it and was grateful to already have it in my life.”
“My resolution is Future Proofing My Freedom by restoring my radiant wellbeing. I have spent the majority of the last two years trying to re-open Wonder following the first COVID lockdown, appreciating just how much Wonder really does enhance the lives of so many others. As a consequence, the stress and struggle accompanying my determination has definitely taken its toll on me, the sole proprietor of a heavily impacted business. Working 7 days, time-poor, skipping meals and eating on the run, with no yoga and meditation practice to bring my parasympathetic nervous system back into equilibrium, is not sustainable and it shows in my skin, muscular body and energy. So it's back to where I began all those years ago when I founded my business following a two week detox when my skin glowed for the first time ever! and at 50 I felt and looked a million dollars.
“I am doing a WonderTox, which is a combination of colonics, bespoke juice cleanses, nutritional advice, lymphatic and diaphragmatic massage, reflexology, yoga and meditation, hypopressive techniques, detox spa therapies and more... with the desired outcome of healthy new habit patterns forming around food, lifestyle and exercise, resulting in all who experience this, feeling better than they could imagine. Health truly is our wealth and our ticket to future freedom.”
“While I am not big on resolutions, this year I have set myself one, and that is to only invest time and energy into people and plans that align with my goal of committing to my purpose beyond what I am doing on a daily basis in my business and as a mother. My purpose is to inspire and encourage as many people to believe in their ability to create the lives they want, regardless of where they are starting and the limited resources they believe exist. It’s difficult to stay on track with this one, like most people, I can get caught so up with what everyone in my circle is doing and saying yes to things that I may have outgrown. So, I am practising being extremely discerning when it comes to where my time and thoughts go.
“This is very important to me for many reasons but especially to set the best example to my teenage daughters. If I can teach them one thing, it’s to believe in what they can do, then try and try and try again until they achieve it.”
“The top resolution that I will be taking with me into 2022 is one that I have been working on and refining for a number of years and that is ‘to question everything that I commit to doing and making sure that it aligns with what I am trying to achieve and how I want to feel on a daily basis’. I think too often we fall into doing things that we think we should be doing or keep doing things that no longer serve us ‘just because’. Also, as a mum, I have very limited time available so making sure I am focussed is super important.”