Let’s face it, we’ve all been sucked into videos, books, podcasts or Instagram posts that promise to reveal the secrets behind successful people’s life-changing routines and habits—be it waking up at 4am, journaling or getting in a sweat session before starting any daily tasks. But while it might seem fitting to emulate those routines for yourself, the fact is, everybody’s own individual journey to feeling their best is varied, which is where biohacking comes in, offering up a way to create the perfect set of actions to get the most out of your own individual wellbeing.
What exactly is the wellness trend? Biohacking is a practice that allows you to track personal metrics—like diet, exercise and sleep—to draw insights about your body and adjust them to reach one goal, feeling better overall.
According to Bec Trinder, founder of X50 Lifestyle, healthy living is all about making the right choices, and implementing them into your routine, whether that be one little switch (like going to bed an hour earlier or making time for more mindful habits). According to Trinder, it’s actually a lot easier than you may think to “hack” your routine to set yourself up for success; having a fixed sleep routine, avoiding your phone and eliminating certain foods from your diet are always good places to start.
“Ultimately, there is no quick solution, so while you can make the small changes today, you’re going to see some results instantly, some over weeks, months or years—but with time and consistency you’re going to feel the impact of biohacking at its fullest.”
Below, Trinder runs through exactly what biohacking entails, how you can get started and the benefits of adding some supplements into your routine.

“Biohacking is about making small and consistent changes to your health and lifestyle to allow you to live life better,” explains Trinder. “In a world that is fast-paced with a growing demand for instant results, biohacking is based on the belief that you can take some control of certain elements of your wellbeing — whether it be maximising sleep, balancing your hormones, or learning to better manage your mood.”
Trinder likes to think of biohacking as ‘shortcuts’ for results’. “It’s the desire to be our best selves, changing our chemistry and physiology through science and self-experimentation to increase energy. We all subconsciously practice biohacking in one way or another, for instance taking supplements, tracking sleep, intermittent fasting and meditation are all forms of biohacking.”

Beyond increasing immunity and overall health, biohacking is about “feeling more energised, focused, and productive,” explains Trinder. “Biohacking is a systems-based approach to self-improvement — understanding that what you put into your biological system has a huge impact on how you feel, behave, and perform.”

To be put simply, “the method is about incorporating small, consistent changes that alter the performances of the body or mind in measurable ways,” says Trinder. It’s also not about simply adding habits for the sake of it, but measuring the solutions that work best for each individual’s health.

Below, Trinder outlines four simple ways to start biohacking your routine today.

“The mindset you cultivate is just as important as the diet you nourish your body with. Practicing meditation and gratitude is the ultimate path to a well-nourished mind, and the benefits go far past improved mental health — they can also have a powerful impact on your physical health too. Such as reducing pain and inflammation, increasing sleep quality, and boosting productivity.”

“Getting outside of our comfort zone is a great way to improve yourself. Whether you choose to end your hot shower on a cold 30 second rinse or you dive right in with an ice bath — if you can withstand the chill this hack can reward you with increased energy, better focus and improved immune health. Discomfort is an inevitable part of life, but by embracing it you grow.”

“In today’s hyper-connected and digital world, there are distractions and stimulants everywhere, which all affect your sleep whether you like it or not — and if you’re not getting enough of it, you have a higher risk of developing chronic disease, depression, hormone imbalances and a weakened immune system. Hacking your way to a better sleep can include having a regular sleep schedule (even on weekends), keeping electronics away from your bed, avoiding exposure to screens in the hours before you sleep, experiment with essential oils or try having a sleep tea, such as the X50 Herbal Tea Sleepy blend, which contains a mix of herbal ingredients proven to promote rest. Certain herbs allow us to unwind so that we can fall asleep quicker; while others promote better sleep quality once we've dozed off. Chamomile and lavender will help to relax you and release the stresses of the day, while Valerian Root supports deep and restorative sleep.”

"Making changes to what, how and when you eat can have a profound impact on your health, wellbeing, and performance. Adopting a more plant-based lifestyle, eliminating sugar and processed foods, and eating organic is just the tip of the iceberg. It's important to keep in mind that no number of supplements or hacks will make up for a poor diet, so trying to aim for a diet that is mostly based around natural, whole foods that are rich in essential nutrients, will do wonders. Another option is to try an elimination diet, which is a process for identifying what foods work for your individual body and what doesn't. Remove certain food groups that are known allergens from your diet for 3-4 weeks then slowly, re-introduce them taking note of how you feel and how your body responds physically."